Activists All Over the World Challenge Abortion Stigma

The Abortion Conversation Projects (ACP) has chosen nine new projects that are confronting stigma surrounding abortion even as access to abortion is threatened or outlawed. ” We received over 80 proposals, half of them from Africa, all using conversation as strategy to open minds and challenge people’s prejudice about abortion,” says Jeannie Ludlow, Chair of ACP.  The organization has now funded 91 Projects and offers support and expertise to both Grant Partners and applicants. 

“Ending Abortion Stigma” is a project in Haiti that will do a major outreach and education effort on abortion and reproductive health during International Safe Abortion Week in September and throughout the year. Abortion is illegal in Haiti and currently gang related violence has disrupted life there. 

ACP funded two projects from the Middle East/North Africa region (MENA) where abortion is largely illegal and there is very little public knowledge and information about abortion methods, policy and laws. Oppression of minority groups, ongoing violence, and political persecution complicate the problems for those brave enough to organize around abortion access and stigma.  “The Book of Abortion” is a project in Kurdistan that assembles vital information in one place for policy makers, academics, activists, and the public at large. “How to Terminate My Pregnancy” will make information about abortion access available in French, Arabic, and English to all MENA countries. 

Another Seed Grant was awarded to Clear Vision for Change in the DR Congo to do outreach and education in rural areas of the country. They are also working on a Safe App so that women can download information on abortion laws, access, and self care. 

In the U.S. two projects were chosen: AVOW-Texas for their outstanding “Let’s Talk About Abortion” efforts and “A is for …." a cultural organization that will produce a comic book about the need to travel to obtain an abortion since Roe v. Wade was overturned. The collection of comics will be edited by New Yorker Magazine artist Emily Flake.                     

Several existing Grant Partners received further funding. The North Dakota WIN Fund Book Club will expand their club and continue to read books about abortion and discussing abortion stigma and will help ACP in promoting abortion book clubs.  “Colours of My Dignity,” a Kenyan project uses trained “influencers” on What’s App to educate followers about the facts of abortion and to counteract the prevalent stigma about abortion.  Another Kenyan project, “Haven of Dreams” conducts highly effective Values Clarification training in the community, and they will also be re-funded. 

The Abortion Conversation Projects is committed to eliminating the stigma of abortion by supporting individuals and small groups engaged in innovative community-based projects that create new ways and opportunities to talk about abortion honestly and publicly. It has now awarded 91 Grant Partnerships since the program started in 2012. ACP fundraises each year to pay for seed grants and expenses. The all-volunteer ACP Board also offers consultations with people working on abortion stigma. ACP also expects to sponsor “Conversations” in the Autumn with stigma busters to support activists and exchange ways of discussing abortion stigma. To stay informed with ACP, email